FOAM SPLASH XXL foam curtain

This facility turns the foam application into a customer magnet.


The full surface application is provided via a mobile spray tube in the head of the wash unit with drip tray and foam generator. The application is also activated via an LED lighting console in the gallery and becomes a multicoloured experience.


During the development phase, the focus was on ensuring that two important points are covered during the application process.


The foam application must not extend wash times compared to the previous system. This was achieved successfully thanks to the special tube. The rollover wash unit does not have an extended wash time with this optional fitting and achieves the same capacity as previously.


Contour-following systems require more time for this because the lifting/lowering times and scan times need to be included.


The large width of the spray tube also means very wide vehicles such as off-road vehicles can be fully covered from above. This means that the material consumption with FOAM SPLASH remains low.


FOAM SPLASH with the very narrow spray distance creates an optically ideal visible foam curtain, actively perceived by wash customers. The adjusted delivery and special foam consistency also makes this system relatively insensitive to wind. Otherwise, this could restrict function in the autumn with open doors.

Its uses:

  • New wash experience for customers
  • Foam application over the entire vehicle width
  • Faster overflow without capacity loss
  • No dripping during the drying process
  • Insensitive to wind

Otto Christ AG - The Real Car Wash Factory

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